Dann solltst du nach der 10. Klasse eine weiterführende Schule Besuchen, das is dann nichts mehr für Kleine Kinder!
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
naja is ja nun nich viel bei daniel und mir is ein altersunterschied von 4 jahren vorhanden!
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
Alter Mann mit Rollstuhl und Anti - Falten Creme und der Herr hat auch schon ein Platz im Altenheim gefunden!
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
Ne war's nich das hab ich ganz am anfang schon mal zu dir gesagt da fandstes lustig und das mit dem Altenheim kam sogar von dir! :p
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away
Warum rumreiten ich setz mich da doch nur auf deinen schoß damit de mich mitnimmst!
There's no giving up now! Do you really want to give this all away? Can't you ever see things in a different way Someday... There's no giving up now! Such a beautiful thing to throw away